
La mobilité pour des services de santé au plus près des gens

Avez-vous déjà eu une urgence médicale et dû parcourir de longues distances pour vous faire soigner ? Ou êtes-vous proche d’un médecin mais incapable d’obtenir un rendez-vous ? Si l’un de ces scénarios vous est familier, le plus probable est que vous vivez dans un désert médical. Les déserts médicaux En Ile-de-France, 62,4 % de …

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Ehealth and wellbeing at work – better health for employees

Importance of employees\’ wellbeing Work has a significant impact on both our physical and mental health. Employees\’ health improves when they work in a healthy setting. A job also has many advantages: it provides revenue, provides stability, often contributes to a person\’s sense of self-worth, and as such can lead to better health. On the …

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Personal Health Data: What are the absolute stakes of this field ?

What is Personal health data ? Data is a term that broadly refers to digital data that is collected or processed for reference or analyses. So naturally, we find it in healthcare. Personal health data represents information about the physical or mental health (past, present or future) of a person including their health status. In …

Personal Health Data: What are the absolute stakes of this field ? Read More »

Preventive medicine vs Chronic diseases the special clash of the 21st century

The 21st century has profoundly changed our relationship with health, leading us to a so-called 4P medicine, i.e., predictive, preventive, personalized and participative. This new model aims to take into account the singularity of patients in order to predict and prevent certain pathologies through a lifestyle oriented towards well-being and empowerment of patients with the …

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Health and Gamification (3/3): Gamification, a great factor for long-term health and well-being?

We saw in the previous article that preventive medicine helps prevent chronic diseases which represent a major cost for the healthcare system. In this last article, we will present how individuals can see their health and self-esteem optimized over the long term by using gamification. Preventive medicine improves not only physical health but also psychological health. Some factors contribute to our …

Health and Gamification (3/3): Gamification, a great factor for long-term health and well-being? Read More »

Health and Gamification (2/3): How does preventive medicine reduce health costs?

The importance of preventive medicine Throughout our visions of the future and various classic science-fiction media, we often find particular attention to detail paid towards health and medicine, and with that ideals for well-being enabled by cutting-edge and all-encompassing technology. Be it Luke Skywalker’s Bacta Tank session, Starfleet’s medical tricorder, or Discovery One’s habitation ring system. Whilst these certainly …

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Telemedecine : An important response to Medical Desertification

What is telemedecine? Telemedecine or teleconsultation are new approaches used right now due to the pandemic situation, they reduce human contact and distancing between people, nevertheless the patient obtains all the necessary information concerning his health, as they are considered as two imprants solutions against medical desertification, an important term that we will discover together …

Telemedecine : An important response to Medical Desertification Read More »

Health and Gamification (1/3): let\’s discover the High Stakes of Corporate Wellness

What is Corporate Wellness? Corporate wellness consists in implementing programs to help employees stay healthy. This concept, well established in the United States, is not yet so popular among French companies, with the exception of large international corporations. However, focusing on health as well as improving the working conditions of employees may well be the …

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